影片點子 Movie ideas (目錄 Table of Contents)

介紹 Introduction

無地方性 Applicable worldwide

電力公司 Power company

何以停電? Why the power outage?
停電要多久呢? Power out until when please?
正辣妹 Hot time with hot stuff
按摩剩餘千瓦 Massage away spare kilowatts

人名 Names

A Boy named Barfsdale
That's "Neurdsbeurg"

總統 The President

總統要尿尿 Presidential Piss
總統對柑橘 President vs. tangerine
待總統 Waiting for the President
總統肖像至天花板 President's portrait on the ceiling
總統之鸚鵡 Presidential parrot

交通 Transportation

公車 Buses

豆代零錢上公車 Beans for bus fare
過站不停遭炸 Bus doesn't stop ... boom
我要尿尿 Right to pee
我有權按所有的按鈕 I have the right to press all the buttons

計程車 Taxis

飄著計程車司機 Floating taxi driver

魔毯 Magic carpets

魔毯降落貧民窟 Magic carpet lands in the wrong side of town
Beam me back, to the time and place in the EXIF headers

導航 Navigation

與某市府某局處找地號 Finding land parcels with a certain city bureau

電子 Electronics

Tweezenthaller still tweezing his toes

聽音樂 Listening to music

耳機線太短 Headphone cord too short
The CDROM drawers were opening and closing
Mafia music enforcement squad

電話 Telephones

喪事鈴聲 Funeral ringtones
無法撥零先生 Couldn't call Mr. Zero

垃圾電子郵件 Spam email

Maxwell Smart gets a spam

昆蟲 Insects

螞蟻作歹 Evil ants
蟑螂也跑光 Even the roaches have left
螢火蟲警察 Firefly cops

食物 Food

國際援助不當 Inappropriate foreign aid
筷子遭攔截 Chopstick interception
貓糞烤肉 Cat feces flavor barbecue
倒吃 Backwards eating
吃飯時才理我 Nobody listens too me except at dinner
Bedside bells
味道太好, 忘記家人 Tastes so good, I forgot the wife and kids
接波羅密 Catch the jackfruit
壯陽:酵母入褲 Yeast powder into pants
留冰箱過期到什麼程度 Food left in fridge really too long: evolved into fist that grabs you by the neck

容貌 Appearances

還我斑點運動 The give me back my spots movement

衣服 Clothes

地震?穿好一點 Earthquake? Get yourself presentable, son.
持Visa™卡之猩猩 Gorillas with Visa™ cards
流氓衣 Gangster clothes
愛國穿著 Patriotic clothes

鞋類 Footware

天體營鞋遭竊 Shoes stolen at nudist camp
Shoe massage 鞋底按摩
門置巨鞋 Giant shoes at door

拖鞋 Slippers

拖鞋尊嚴 Presentable slippers
拖鞋遭調查 Slippers under investigation

老人 Old folks

阿公 Grandpa

與阿公出門 Out and about with grandpa

阿嬤 Grandma

阿嬤捏市長屁股 Grandma pinches mayor's butt
Senior's half price bus card

迷信 Superstition

氣象 Weather

扶乩占卜颱風軌跡 Predict typhoon path with an Ouija board
22度C不吉祥溫度也 The unlucky temperature, 22 deg. C

雜項 Etc.

我修理了警鳥 I fixed the police bird
高級人與消毒水 Upper crust and disinfectant
牙醫口罩 Dentists' masks
專吻 Expert kiss
生個孩子 Have a kid
捲尺以鬆緊帶 Tape measure on elastic band

專屬台灣 Taiwan specific

垃圾車歌:足甘心的 Garbage truck melody: heartwarming

算命、迷信,等 Fortunetelling, superstition, etc.

一家輪名 Names round robin
改名以友 Change your name to your friends name
睡90度 Sleep 90 degrees
老外搞拼音姓名學 Foreigner turns to Pinyin fortunetelling

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson