## makefile -- for M-750 air route web page ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Created: March 2003 ## Last-Updated: 2024-06-13T18:30:19+0000 ## Update #: 528 FLIGHT_LEVELS=410 390 370 350 330 310 290 270 SANAS_Lon=121.6922#2013 SANAS_Lat= 24.8969#2013 PILOX_Lon=121.0247#2013 PILOX_Lat= 24.4150#2013 ANLOT_Lon=120.4869#2013 ANLOT_Lat= 23.9072#2013 TOROX_Lon=119.9250#2013 TOROX_Lat= 23.3636#2013 Dan_Lon= 120.866040 Dan_Lat= 24.181705 #Note we are careful to use all EAIP data #Related to north_pass.html np2: north_pass2; ./$< np: north_pass @./$< @echo; echo Fields: @sed -n '/print/,$${;s/.* #//p;}' $< star: @echo Declination, right ascension, constellation, name, magnitude @awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";OFS="\t"};$$4~/^[567].:/&&\ $$5<3{print $$4,$$3,$$1,$$5}' ~/.xephem/YBS-Altnames.edb|\ awk -F: '$$1>=58&&$$1<=75'|sort -t: -n|column -t elevation_angle_at_nearest_point:#2013 perl -MMath::Trig -wle 'for (qw/$(FLIGHT_LEVELS)/) {$(\ )$$m = $$_ * 100 * 0.3048;$(\ )printf "FL%d %5d %.0f\n", $$_, $$m, rad2deg( atan( ( $$m - 777 ) / 6500 ) );}' # 2005: to do: remove usage of proprietary xephem program. #This produces a straight long across xephem's whole sky view T=/tmp/tmp.hzn.aid short_horizon:basic seq 230 $$((360+32)) > $T;\ set -- $$(echo -e \ $(ANLOT_Lon)\\t$(ANLOT_Lat)\\n$(PILOX_Lon)\\t$(PILOX_Lat)|\ project -T$(Dan_Lon)/$(Dan_Lat) -C0/90 -Fpq);\ project -C$$1/$$2 -E$$3/$$4 -G0.02 -Lw|\ awk 'BEGIN{OFMT="%.6f"};{print 360-$$1,$$2}'|sample1d -N$T > $T.1 for height in 41 38 37 34 33 30 29; do let $$((height*=1000));\ awk 'BEGIN{pif=45/atan2(1,1);\ print "#M750 air route `horizon` at elev '$$height' ft above sea level"\ ;print "#From '$$PWD'"};\ {print $$1%360,pif*atan2('$$height'*0.3048-777,(90-$$2)*60*1852)}' \ $T.1 > ~/.xephem/m750-$${height}ft.hzn;done;rm $T $T.1 #not a full circle, yes. horizon:basic seq 220 $$((360+60)) > $T awk -F'[=#]' '/^[A-Z]*_Lon=/{a=$$2};/^[A-Z]*_Lat=/{print a,$$2};\ /TOROX_Lat/{exit}' makefile|\ sample1d -I.01|\ project -T$(Dan_Lon)/$(Dan_Lat) -C0/90 -Fxypq|\ awk 'BEGIN{pif=45/atan2(1,1)};{x=$$1;y=$$2;az=360-$$3;\ dist=(90-$$4)*60*1852;h2="";for(h=20000;h<=45000;h+=1000){ \ h2=h2 " " pif*atan2(h*.3048-dist*dist*.0000000675-777,dist)}};\ {print az,dist,h2}'|sample1d -N$T|awk '{$$1=int($$1%360)};1'|\ awk '{f=2;for(h=20000;h<=45000;h+=1000){\ f++;fn="'$$HOME'/.xephem/m750-"h"ft.hzn";\ print $$1,$$f > fn}};{printf "%d %.1f\n",$$1,$$2/1000}' >\ azimuth_vs_distance #offical M750 just needs 41 38 37 34 33 30 29 *1000 #675: earth's curvature #Related to trail.html how_far_north:basic echo $(Dan_Lon) >/tmp/$(Dan_Lon) project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) \ -G0.05 -Lw|awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|sample1d -Fl -N/tmp/$(Dan_Lon)|\ awk '{print ($$2-$(Dan_Lat))*60*1852}' #answer then printed in meters rm /tmp/$(Dan_Lon) #how close does M750 come to me? point_closest_to_dan: @echo 'Position(lon, lat), Distance(km):' @set -uxe -- $$(echo $(Dan_Lon) $(Dan_Lat)|\ project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) \ -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) -Q -Frsq);\ echo $$@;echo 'Bearing (forward, back), \ another distance version, in meters:';\ echo -e $(Dan_Lon) $(Dan_Lat)\\n$$1 $$2|\ cs2cs -s +proj=latlong|grep -v pj_latlong|\ awk '{a=a $$1" "$$2" "};END{print a}'|geod -I -p +ellps=WGS84 #(Bearing is perpendicular to route at that point) points_90_degrees_to_dan:basic echo $(Dan_Lon) >/tmp/$(Dan_Lon) project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) \ -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|sample1d -Fl -N/tmp/$(Dan_Lon)|tee $@ echo $(Dan_Lat) >/tmp/$(Dan_Lat) project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) \ -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|sample1d -Fl -T1 -N/tmp/$(Dan_Lat)|tee -a $@ length_of_points_90_degrees_to_dan:points_90_degrees_to_dan set -- `cat $^`; project -C$$1/$$2 -E$$3/$$4 -G99 -Q speed:#using 60 sec over 13 km as example python -c $$'k=13;sec=60;s=k/(sec/3600.0)\nfor \ i in ("km/h",1),("knots",1.852),("mi/h",1.609):\ print "%d %s;"%(s/i[1], i[0]),' see_hear_angle:# isosceles triangle, one leg to where sound is, one to where plane is perl -MMath::Trig -we 'use strict;$(\ )printf "%6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", qw!knots km/h m/s mph mach ang-20C!;$(\ )for ( my $$i = 150 ; $$i <= 650 ; $$i += 50 ) {$(\ )printf "%6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %6.0f %6.2f %6.0f\n", $$i, $$i * 1.852, $$i $(\ )* 0.51444444, $$i * 1.151,$(\ )$$i * 0.001552056, rad2deg 2 * asin_real $$i / 2 / 619;}' basic: gmtset D_FORMAT = %.8f #used haphazardly by me currently arc_length: horiz=$$(echo $(Dan_Lon) $(Dan_Lat)|\ project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) \ -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) -Q -Fq);\ python -c "exec '''ft2km=3280.84;h2=$$horiz**2\nimport\ math\nprint 'height(ft, km), length(arc minutes)'\nfor \ i in range(25000,41000,5000):\ print '%d %4.1f %.1f'\ % (i,i/ft2km,360*60*0.070/(2*math.pi*math.sqrt((i/ft2km)**2+h2)))'''" ## 2005.12.19: to plot on paper maps see ## http://jidanni.org/comm/air/routes stuff instead! #and duh, to84c isn't defined, etc. #plot air route M-750 p=+proj=tmerc +lon_0=121 +x_0=250000 +k=0.9999 -f %.3f # m750pa: /tmp/notpa # project -C$(PILOX_Lon)/$(PILOX_Lat) \ # -E$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ # awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|\ # cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to $p \ # +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=$(to84c)|\ # sample1d -Fl -N$?|perl -walne 'printf "%.0f %.0f\n", $$F[0],$$F[1]' # /tmp/notpa: # seq 202000 2000 250000 > $@ # m750at: /tmp/notat # project -C$(ANLOT_Lon)/$(ANLOT_Lat) \ # -E$(TOROX_Lon)/$(TOROX_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ # awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|\ # cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to $p \ # +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=$(to84c)|\ # sample1d -Fl -N$?|perl -walne 'printf "%.0f %.0f\n", $$F[0],$$F[1]' # /tmp/notat: # seq 160000 2000 201000 > $@ #Will other routes come near to me? #http://www.vatroc.org/chinese/info/aipnav.htm #might be TWD67's, using instead pictures on #http://www.vatroc.org/chinese/teach/rcssrckh.html TONPU_Lon=120.795#47.7 TONPU_Lat=24.221667#13.3 XEROX_Lon=121.103333# 06.2 XEROX_Lat=24.628333#37.7 #jeppesen: DALIN_Lon=120.28#22.8 DALIN_Lat=23.593333# 35.6 XEROX-DALIN: /tmp/not gmtset D_FORMAT = %.8f project -C$(XEROX_Lon)/$(XEROX_Lat) \ -E$(DALIN_Lon)/$(DALIN_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|\ cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to $p \ +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=$(to84c)|\ sample1d -Fl -N$?|perl -walne 'printf "%.0f %.0f\n", $$F[0],$$F[1]' TONPU-DALIN: /tmp/not gmtset D_FORMAT = %.8f project -C$(TONPU_Lon)/$(TONPU_Lat) \ -E$(DALIN_Lon)/$(DALIN_Lat) -G0.05 -Lw|\ awk '{print $$1,$$2}'|\ cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to $p \ +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=$(to84c)|\ sample1d -Fl -N$?|perl -walne 'printf "%.0f %.0f\n", $$F[0],$$F[1]' #both go past xinshe... tonpu: echo $(TONPU_Lon)E $(TONPU_Lat)N 0|\ cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +to $p +ellps=aust_SA +towgs84=$(to84c) #it seems my tonpu isn't very accurate. appp: #EAIP to static map set -- $$(perl -nwle 'for(split){m!(...?)(..)(..(?:\...)?)[NE]$$!; push @v, $(\ )sprintf "%f", $$1+$$2 / 60 + $$3 / 60 / 60;}END{print $(\ )"http://maps.google.cn/maps/api/staticmap?path=geodesic:true%7C$$v[0]%2C$$v[1]%7C$$v[2]%2C$$v[3]&zoom=14&size=640x640";}') && \ $$BROWSER $$@