#!/usr/bin/perl # north_pass -- compute elevations of planes passing due north of me # Simplified perl version # Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ # Created: Mar 2003 # Last-Updated: 2024-06-13T19:10:35+0000 # Update #: 78 use strict; use warnings q!all!; use Math::Trig; my $meters2FL = 1 / 0.3048 / 100; # Meters to Flight Levels (100s of feet) my $mylat = 24.18170479; #my latitude, also the elevation of the pole (star) ## Horizontal distance M-750 air route passes north of me, in FLs: my $north = 9338.0 * $meters2FL; my $my_FL = 777 * $meters2FL; #My Flight Level printf "%-4s%s$/", qw/FL Angle/; for ( my $FL = 100 ; $FL <= 440 ; $FL += 20 ) { my $angle = rad2deg atan2( $FL - $my_FL, $north ); printf "%d %.1f%2s$/", $FL, $angle, $angle < $mylat ? "v" : "^"; }