#!/usr/bin/perl # Flip coordinates for antipodes (of Paraguay / Argentina border section) # Copyright : https://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html # Author : Dan Jacobson -- https://www.jidanni.org/geo/antipodes/programs/ # Created On : Mon Oct 12 15:36:42 2020 # Last Modified On: Thu Oct 15 07:51:29 2020 # Update Count : 25 use strict; use warnings FATAL => q(all); ## First using the tip in ## https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/56810/overpass-turbo-bbox-reducing-amount-of-data-for-a-relation-with-many-ways? ## I used this to get the data, and saved it into KML ## [out:json][timeout:25]; ## relation(389884)->.interestingrelations; ## way(r.interestingrelations)->.alltheirways; ## way.alltheirways(-25.2,-59.5,-24.2,-58)->.waysinside; ## .waysinside out geom; ## OR just ## http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/Z1J relation(389884); way(r)(-25.2,-59.5,-24.2,-58); out geom; while (<>) { s!Copyright!DATA FLIPPED FOR ANTIPODES by Dan Jacobson.\nhttps://www.jidanni.org/geo/antipodes/programs/\n$&!; s/(-\d+\.\d+),(-\d+\.\d+)/$1+180 . "," . -$2/eg; print; } ## And this is what I put in Google MyMaps: ## 台灣對蹠巴拉圭、阿根廷國界 ## Paraguay (south of Miaoli) / Argentina border antipode overlayed on Taiwan. © OpenStreetMap contributors.]]>