### Makefile --- ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2023-09-20T08:00:27+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2023-09-20T08:00:40+0000 ## Update #: 2 ## #Let's try grid files. Using Wilmette IL, as experiment. #How about my four corners with their values|xyz2grd -Ixxxmeters/yyymeters -J...|grd2xyz ..|2kml ww: ./wilmette.sh w=123455#OSM relation t=t export LakeAvW=-87.77784 42.07980 export LakeAvE=-87.69215 42.07873 # Wilmette rules... # https://library.municode.com/il/wilmette/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH20PUWA_ARTVIHONU export LakeAv_RidgeRd=-87.722508 42.079072#apx, as our center, 1800 W 900 N, 800 numbers to a mile. export offsets=-1900 900 # P.S., I'm not doing left right sides in any of these. $w.kml: ../fetch_boundary $w