N=Ford Co. IL address / road name grid DESC1=Using PLSS data. ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2024-05-06T01:28:10+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-05-11T21:53:39+0000 ## Update #: 322 ## We will just make grids directly from PLSS data, and in fact using ## section centers, as they are always available. ## In other words we are stepping out of any interpolation, even via ## gdaltransform -tps -gcp... All that is the work of how other ## people. We here will just "put the grids on the map" and let others ## "arrange them further if desired". Putting the man on the moon is ## rough. We'll leave it to others' to paint their house up there. # https://ford-il.bhamaps.com/ U = ../../../../utilities include $U/m1.makefile $U/m2.makefile export PERLLIB = $U export PATH := $U:$(PATH) L=~/Downloads b=$L/boundaries I=ford_co_il $I.vik: sn_label.csv:f; ./$< $C $L/$I.json: #sn_label.csv #uncomment to refresh... perl -F, -awnle 'push @o, $$F[0]; END{print join "%7C", @o;}' $< | fetch_blm_sections $C lon_lat_sn.csv: $L/$I.json perl -MPLSS_corners -wle '%h=PLSS_corners::centers; for(sort keys %h){my @o;push @o,$(\ )@{$$h{$$_}}{qw/lon lat/},$$_ ; print join ",", @o;}' $< $C lon_lat_label.csv: lon_lat_sn.csv sn_label.csv join -t , -1 3 -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 $^ > $@.tmp join -t , -1 3 -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 -e MISSING -1 3 -v 1 -v 2 $^ | tee /tmp/errr ! test -s /tmp/errr mv $@.tmp $@ osmid=1800374 R=$b/$I.kml #https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1800374 $R:; fetch_boundary $(osmid) - $C $I.kmz: $R lon_lat_label.kmz ogrmerge.py $(KO) -overwrite_ds $^ -o $@ clean:; rm *.csv *.tmp lon_lat_label.kmz info:$L/$I.json; Nodeinfo $<|sort -t , -k 2nr,2 -k 1,1 one:$L/$I.json; OnePLSSSec