N=Vermilion Co. IL address / road name grid DESC1=Using PLSS data. ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2024-05-11T16:17:42+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-05-15T09:18:04+0000 ## Update #: 77 U = ../../../../utilities include $U/m1.makefile $U/m2.makefile export PERLLIB = $U export PATH := $U:$(PATH) L=~/Downloads b=$L/boundaries I=vermilion_co_il $I.vik: sn_label.csv:f; ./$< $C $L/$I.json: #sn_label.csv #uncomment to refresh... test x$< != x # Catch if we forgot to uncomment $< above, for first run perl -F, -awnle 'push @o, $$F[0]; END{print join "%7C", @o;}' $< | fetch_blm_sections $C lon_lat_sn_online.json: $L/$I.json; cp $< $@ lon_lat_sn.csv:blanket.csv lon_lat_sn_online.csv sort -t , -k 3,3 $^ $C lon_lat_label.csv: lon_lat_sn.csv sn_label.csv join -t , -1 3 -o 1.1,1.2,2.3 $^ > $@.tmp : Here, if anything, are the serious cases, where we don\'t have the data to place our points: join -t , -1 3 -o 1.1,1.2,2.3 -e MISSING -v 2 $^ | tee /tmp/errr_A : Here, if anything, is no big deal, where we merely got more data than we use: join -t , -1 3 -o 1.1,1.2,2.3 -e MISSING -v 1 $^ | tee /tmp/errr_B # ! test -s /tmp/errr_A mv $@.tmp $@ osmid=1801537 R=$b/$I.kml #https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1801537 $R:; fetch_boundary $(osmid) - $C $I.kmz: $R lon_lat_label.kmz ogrmerge.py $(KO) -overwrite_ds $^ -o $@ clean:; rm *.csv *.tmp lon_lat_label.kmz # https://www.mapofus.org/tag/County-Maps/ m=https://www.mapofus.org/_maps/dot edgar.pdf vermilion.pdf: cd $L && wget $m/il/$@ # https://idot.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/idot/documents/transportation-system/maps---charts/highway/county/vermilion.pdf # https://clearinghouse.isgs.illinois.edu/data/reference/illinois-public-land-survey-system-plss-boundaries %.csv:%.json perl -MPLSS_corners -wle 'BEGIN{$$,=q(,)};%h=PLSS_corners::centers; for(keys %h)$(\ ){print @{$$h{$$_}}{qw/lon lat/},$$_}' $< $C #blanket:f # ./$< --$@|perl -gae 'print join "%7C", @F;'| fetch_blm_sections $C #################### # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/sqlite.html # https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/sqlite.html#using-the-spatialite-library-spatial-extension-for-sqlite #ogr2ogr -f SQLite testspatialite.sqlite test-2.3.sqlite -dsco SPATIALITE=YES