### Makefile --- N=Salt Lake City, Utah address / road name grid DESC1=Simple example.#NOT using PLSS data. ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2024-03-05T13:22:27+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-05-04T03:13:49+0000 ## Update #: 234 U = ../../../../utilities export PERLLIB = $U export PATH := $U:$(PATH) include $U/m1.makefile SHELL = /bin/bash W=salt_lake_city_ut $W.vik: C= > $@.t && test -s $@.t && mv $@.t $@ # We decide to totally chuck the PLSS, which usually is our ace in the # hole, but here in Salt Lake City turns out to be rather unrelated to # the street pattern. # So we'll just use a few Ground Control Points GCPs=\ -gcp 0 -500 -111.89114803 40.75846686 \ -gcp 0 0 -111.89114717 40.76932606 \ -gcp 500 -500 -111.87685794 40.758524 \ -gcp 500 0 -111.87685039 40.76940631 GG: #or even less! echo 300 -370 | gdaltransform \ -gcp 0 -500 -111.89114803 40.75846686 \ -gcp 0 0 -111.89114717 40.76932606 \ -gcp 500 0 -111.87685039 40.76940631 example_for_gdaltransform_page: c="gdaltransform -output_xy \ -gcp 0 -500 -111.89114803 40.75846686 \ -gcp 0 0 -111.89114717 40.76932606 \ -gcp 500 0 -111.87685039 40.76940631";\ echo 300 -370 370 S. 300 E. | $$c;\ echo -111.88705 40.76502 New building| $$c -i;\ echo i.e., 143 E 200 S;\ echo 0 0 Great Salt Lake Base and Meridian monument | $$c T=/tmp/d # A simple diagonal to the venue of # https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Utah/Naming_Conventions/Activity $W.csv: perl -wle 'for(0..4){for($$_*100){print $$_, " ", -$$_;}}' > $T < $T gdaltransform $(GCPs) | paste - $T|perl -anwle \ 'print join ",", @F[0,1,3];' $C # Older PLSS-based approaches that we gave up on: # In fact on USGS maps the PLSS section lines are in *dashed* red lines too. D=~/Downloads B=UtahPLSSGCDBPoints Q=UtahPLSSQuarterQuarterSections ln_one_time: # Must do to make ogr2ogr read it. Also no symlinks on 9p file system. cd ~/Downloads && \ set -xeu; for i in Utah*zip; do ln $$i $${i/zip/gdb.zip}; done /tmp/$B.geojson:$D/$B*geojson; ln -s $< $@ old$W.csv:$W1.csv #gosh, I find I must tweak. The $Q stuff above was more accurate. # ogr2ogr -ct '+proj=geogoffset +dlon=0.28 +dlat=0.86' I cannot get working, so... perl -F, -anwle '$$F[0]+=-.0007; $$F[1]+=-.0001; $(\ )for($$F[2]){@m=split; for(@m){$$_=sprintf "%.0f", $$_*500/480 if /\d/;}$$_="@m";} $(\ )next unless $$F[2]=~/0\b/; print join ",", @F;' $< $C $W1.csv:$W0.csv pid2addr; ./pid2addr $< $C # https://gis.utah.gov/data/cadastre/plss/ # https://opendata.gis.utah.gov/datasets/utah-plss-point-gcdb/explore # https://opendata.gis.utah.gov/datasets/utah-plss-quarter-quarter-sections-gcdb/explore $W0.csv:/tmp/$B.geojson # Makefile ogr2ogr \ -sql "SELECT XCOORD,YCOORD,POINTID FROM $B WHERE (\ POINTID LIKE 'UT260010N0010E0_1__100' OR \ POINTID LIKE 'UT260010S0010E0_1__6__' )" /tmp/g.csv $< cat /tmp/g.csv | sed 1d | tr -d \" $C # https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/saltlakecityut # 14.08.020: BUILDING NUMBERING SYSTEM: # ...in accordance with the Salt Lake County addressing system, allowing one number every 8.25 feet. # The initial point shall be the junction of Main Street and South Temple... # https://library.municode.com/ut/salt_lake_county # 2.49.090 - ... The initial point of intersection in the countywide grid # system shall be the junction of Main Street (meridian street) and South # Temple Street (baseline street axis) in Salt Lake City,... m:; units 8.25ft mi #640 numbers per mile, yes, 320 on each side of a street. #(But see ./pid2addr where we learn it is 700!) m00: # So where will 100's match a section line? for i in `seq 0 15`; do echo -n $$i:; units --terse $${i}mi 8.25ft; done|\ perl -F: -apwle 's/$$/**/ unless $$F[1] % 100;' m4: # So where will 100's match a 1/4 section line? perl -we 'for(0..32){printf "%d %d/4 %s", int ($$_/4), $$_%4, $$p= $$_ * 640 / 4;$(\ ); print "**" unless $$p % 100; print $$/;}' clean:; rm *.csv