### Makefile --- For testing these programs ## Author: Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ ## Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ## Created: 2023-12-02T21:45:55+0000 ## Last-Updated: 2024-05-15T08:14:11+0000 ## Update #: 306 ## U = . export PERLLIB = $U export PATH := $U:$(PATH) f: m=$$(find .. -name Makefile|grep -v utilities|xargs ls -t|sed q) && \ cd $$(dirname $$m) && make vv: perl -MPLSS_corners -we \ 'for my $$q(0..3){for my $$h(reverse -79,-78,-8){printf "Q%d H%3d %s\n", $$q, $$h, $(\ )PLSS_corners::point_id("WA330200N0280E0SN340",$$q, $$h);}}' xx: @cd ../us/il/lake/la*/ && make check_all_pods:; grep -l ^#!/usr/bin/perl *|xargs podchecker check_for_return_1:; grep -c ^1\; *.pm y: latest=$$(ls -t|grep -v Make|sed q);\ podchecker -warnings -warnings -warnings $$latest && \ PERLLIB=$(PWD) perl -w $$latest d: latest=$$(ls -t|grep -v Make|sed q);\ PERLLIB=$(PWD) perl -wd $$latest tab_hunt: find .. ! -name \*jpg ! -name \*kmz ! -iname \*Makefile -type f |\ xargs grep -n --perl-regexp \\t # https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx/issues/1733#issuecomment-2042722959 export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 %.txt:%.html; w3m -dump -cols 9999 $< > $@ %.count:%.txt; perl -nwle '$$k++ for /\w+/g; END{print $$k}' $< #their algorithm %.copy:%.txt; wl-copy < $< abstract.count: abstract.copy: description.count: description.copy: abstract.txt: ../define.txt Makefile #110 words max perl -nwle 'next unless /The signs say/../heavy lifting/; print;' $< > $@ description.txt:../define.txt Makefile #800 words max perl -nwle 'next unless /We drive down the street/../So there you have it/; print;' $< > $@ me:; @set -ue; set '$(ME)'; echo $$@|tee /dev/stderr|wc -w # https://pretalx.com/sotm2024/me/ Please write between 50 and 100 words. ME=Junior mapper Dan Jacobson has been \ interested in maps since age 0. \ Boundaries (international to cadastral), celltowers, bus routes intrigue him. \ He once studied geology until \ he realized that the _surface_ was where the action was at. \ He'\''s famous locally for telling the public \ how to use power pole grid \ numbers for emergency rescue. "What'\''s city planning without address planning?" he asks. \ Realizing they were at Addressing Heaven Ground Zero, he quickly whipped together a \ 2024 State of the Map https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Utah/Naming_Conventions/Activity .