# chin_eng_coincidences.txt --- 中英等文巧合字單 # Author: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson https://www.jidanni.org/ # File: https://www.jidanni.org/lang/chin_eng_coincidences.txt # Copyright: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # Created: Sep 2000 # Last-Updated: 2025-01-04T10:23:23+0000 # Update #: 685 This is a list of some Chinese - English coincidences I've run into. Also I put some various humorous blabber in (but see https://www.jidanni.org/lang/humor.txt ). Certainly most of them are pure coincidence, with no 'same origins' deep significance. I use some references to some Chinese historical phonology terms. I didn't ever learn English historical phonology... therefore things are left at current English face value. I also don't bother to use my own fancy romanization schemes for S. Min, etc. For some neat intra-Chinese non-coincidences, see 王力's 同源字典。 Typical case: I'm lying in bed on 2018/1/16 and realize 佔 (loose older Chinese zh..m) (TEMPORARILY occupying somebody else's land until they come back and kick you off), sounds just like 暫 (TEMPORARY) so they must be cognates, though not listed in 王力's 同源字典。 Well what about an additional English connection? Wham! There you have it, the TEM(P) of TEMPORARY fits right in with zh..m! so all three perhaps are related! Not high tech, but still that is too eerie a coincidence... Obvious are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_words_of_Chinese_origin . Non-obvious perhaps are: Eng.: English. Cant.: Cantonese. S. Min.: 閩南。 焙 bei4: Eng. bake, 古之部,just a 轉 away from -k in Wang Li's systems. 陋 lou4: Eng. low 擰 ning2: Eng. wring [if wr were n would match] e.g., wring dry 民 min2, {Cantonese, Mandarin]: Eng. people: man 賠 pei2: Eng. pay, 費, 費:fee! ...free... 殺 Cant. etc. saat: Eng. -CIDe (suicide...) 毒 Hakka: tuk: Eng. TOXic, DrUG 怕 latin PAVOR panic phobia... long guess. ------- Also in http://sino-platonic.org/complete/spp007_old_chinese.pdf : So not just "coincidences" after all: 協 S. Min. hiap: Eng. help 給 gip ((Zhengzhang): /*krub/) Eng. give ------- 路 lu4: French: rue; English: [king's] row. road, route. if earlier -ak [looking at 各 sound], then Eng: tracK I bet also 路、道同源 ... dolo 閩 踏 Cant. etc. taap: Eng. stomp, stamp, tamp, tramp, tromp, 站 zaam 嚼 [use 口+焦][才笑切]Eng: chew; 咀嚼 ju3 jue2 祿 Eng. LUcK, LUcKY: 祿氣 (like 福氣) 略 LUKe (warm), somewhat (warm) 賴不掉 Can't LIE ones' way out of it 依賴 yilai Eng. RELY, RELIAnce 全方位 all WAYs 物 Cant. mat, Eng. mat(ter) I bet 什麼=甚麼=什物 cocoon 可睏, ... sleeping bag 酷 CrUel ring(er): 鈴 ling! 閩南 iang like rang the bell I bet 閩南「仔」-a is really 兒: 賊仔 = 賊兒 "我是一位來自北京的窮遊er" is quite like "遊兒" (者) travelER ... 苟 = 假如 I bet! g[o]u = g[ar]u ----------------------funny/boring 不實 butsit [S. Min]: Eng. Bullshit 不過 but go...: Eng. but the things you 聽說 are mostly "hear-say" 骨氣 gut ki: guts; Mand. guqi: guts[i] 移民 IMMIgration 台語 suh / English suck (林金鈔:廣韻:欶,所角切) maybe -- 未必 必 bit: like MusT ! I copied this from somebody else: 色 sik [Cant.]: SeX lynch -- 凌遲 Eng: voice, 海陸客家: voi 話 Eng: LOss: 落 見=艮 Dope FIEnd 匪, FElon. 禾本 = HErBaL ========================================== I think I guessed the original character for the Taiwanese [Minnanyu] word "gui" meaning "all". I bet it is Mandarin's ju3 "raise"... 我猜台語‘gui工’ [全日]之 gui 字本字為‘舉’。[常見‘歸’等等。] Tagalog Puso: Pussy (cat) 規: English GUIde. Guy wire. 拍: Eng: PAt (somebody's head, shoulder) (but -k vs. -t) I think I guessed the original characters for Cantonese "yi ga" meaning "now". I bet it is Mandarin's 如今. 我猜粵語‘yi ga’ [現在]之本字為‘如今’. By the way, ‘聽日’ [tomorrow] is clearly from 天光日, compare 客語。 Maybe 搡 is the original Hakka character for push, "song". Could the original character of Hakka's "tet", "pet" be che4 of (Mandarin) che4di3 徹底 "completely"? 猜其本字。 佢已經死 tet 了 == 佢已經死 徹 了 ?? Or: 東勢客家: pet:畢 e.g., 死畢 sipet: died deCEAse: 死。 Or Latin: de- + cedere to withdraw: to CEDe a fortress: 徹。 死=辭(職) Could 間 and 節 be 同源字 ? e.g. Hakka: 時間, 時節。 節、結、 k__t knot/node (net?) 節子結切, maybe even connected to English net 'from PIE *ned- "to twist, knot"' 韻母: -n/-d "轉", 聲母 g-/j- 轉 like 枝 ?? Rebutted by Dylan in news:sci.lang 2002-06-23 "Re: Chinese: could jian1 and jie2 be same origin chars?" 烈 maybe related to Latin nitere, to shine Origin of 阿舍 A-sia "rich man" is probably English A-Sir. More Hakka characters: 粢 粢粑 [算本字] 抔 撥(塵)[林金鈔的書說本字為柫] 哀 母親 罔 罔食飽,沒有 搡 推,但越-ong/-ung界 摡 挑水挑米... 欶 欶水:吸水。 林金鈔:本字廣韻:欶,所角切 膦 膦棍,陰莖 躦 腳跟,或用踵... 飶 飽飶飶,飽鼓鼓的 喋 矮喋喋,矮矮的 螝 青蛙 ----------- 我猜台灣所有的文山原名蚊山。 English ampersand "&" looks a little like Chinese `ampersand' "及" ha ha ear: 耳(er); 耳朵 ERDuo: like "Ancient Greek ὠτ- (ōt-), the stem of οὖς (oûs, “ear”)" Eng: take, 閩南: 提去 Eng: pan 盤, (alluvial) fan / (alluvial) plane, PlATeau, PlATe, FlAT... Eng: PANel 板, "a little piece" 片... PANE. PlANk, BOARD, 母板 MOtherBOARD. Eng: Name: Japanese Namai, Malay: Nama. Eng: (there) ARE, Japanese ARI 有 Leng: English: nickname for the taller of two men with the same name, from Old English leng(ra) 'longer', 'taller', comparative of lang (see Lang). German: variant of Lang. Taiwanese: loh'eh! Eng/Eng: Alzheimer's / Old timer's ha ha "Felt awful" after eating "falafel", ho ho Flow ~ blow ~ float ~ boat ... all related to floating on fluids. GREAt, GRAnd, 巨? 各 gak, Vietnamese cac, French chaque 屠 tu, Frence "tue" One can't help noticing English Chinese coincidences(?) like e.g., http://language.psy.auckland.ac.nz/austronesian/language.php?id=331 : leaf lap 葉 lap->lapf->laf->leaf hand hnuʔ 手 hand! to turn tronʔ 轉 turn! (But I suppose not also related to churn.) skin m-paj 皮 Latin PELLIS? The PEEl of an orange. back ppək-s 背 back! (貝 too...) 被(打)=BE (hit) etc.!! "Be taken aback"=被 taken 背! belly m-ttaʔ 肚 tum[my]? Min: 腹肚 ... 腩/妊: Eng. TUMmy See Sagart: https://www.academia.edu/21772206/The_Chinese_Names_of_the_Four_Directions https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tummy etc. etc. back to 腹。 breast noʔ 乳 nipple node 奶 to fear quj-s 畏 quake in ones boots, quiver blood hhmik 血 HEMO- neck kkreŋʔ 頸 Latin COLLUM column bone kkut 骨 Greek kokkalo... 骷髏 kulou skull hair mmaw 毛 Greek malliá eye miwk 目 like wink... but Greek mati like Malay mata to see ttaʔ 睹 like Cantonese 睇 tai. to drink ʔəmʔ 飲 to Lap [up], 閩 lim 啉 dr:l im:in to bite det-s 噬 Al Dente, dentures, dental, to dent. 繡 to SEW, boŋ 縫 bond? band bind 幫邦綁 古無綁字 我以為打開王力《同源字典》 能看到「幫並旁紐,鐸陽對轉。綁、縛同源。」 未料古無綁字。 http://www.kangxizidian.com/kangxi/0924.gif 阻、堵 同源 I bet! to kill ssret 殺 slay; 殺戮 slaughter dull, blunt ddu[n]-s 敦 dull! 鈍; 癡鈍:DUMb, bLUNt knife to buy mmreʔ 買 m/buy to throw ddo 投 ThrOW! 掉-跳同源? fall off building to fall llo[j] 墮 must be related to 落 dog kkhwirʔ 犬|Eng. cur! 犬 Cant. hyun: Eng. hound, canine, kennel, Latin: canis, French: chien. bird ttiwʔ 鳥 tweet :-) egg Cə-llorʔ 卵 malay telur to fly pər 飛 like greek and latin... wind prəm 風 바람 Pneumatic 噴 fat/grease kij 脂 GREase... woods/forest Cə-ləm 森林 ... Senlin... silva 曷 HoT: wHaT warm ŋet 熱 24 hOT Heat / 熱 both -it 辣 lat = 熱 njiɛt = HOT cold ggan 寒 latin GELU... to burn bən 焚 bu[r]n old rruʔ 老 oLd Seven s-hnit 七 sept- EIghT 八 Japanese:hACHi Spanish:ocho octo- ... 八,捌,別 English: to PArT, pane, 分 FEN, 半 BAN 方 FANg deFEND, Fend off: _封_鎖 得: to TAKe {en:be|zh:被, (sounds close or same)} hit/hurt/liked... HurT: H..T 害(with a -T from the same series, 轄) RuLe: L..T 律, in fact Korean: LYUL (률) is even closer to English "rule"! 率 lut: Eng. RaTe, surely all connected. BaG: B..G 包(with a -K from the same series, 雹) 致癌/治癌國語同音 海:Eng. Sea: h/s relation? 海:每:MArine 售:SOLd Pounce:撲,捕 喜(樂):hi(larity) 邦: band "梅"雨季 starts "May" 1. aLOE vera: 蘆薈 (in fact vera sounds a little like 薈 too.) GEL, JELly: 膠. In fact GLUE also, revealing the K-/L- connection ...蓼 etc. gluten: sounds like 筋骨 backwards: 骨筋, and sort of means the same. loser: 落者、 漏者; loss 落失、漏失 Eng. Muck:墨(粵等音) 缽、鉢、(砵) Eng. BOwl styptic:澀 I bet 太白粉的太白一詞來自 TaPIoCa, 意亦合! Maybe bai 白 WHIte, BYELOrussia, BELarus all related. 白: kTang: *bhæk like Bleak [OE. blac, bleyke, bleche, AS. bl[=a]c, bl[=ae]c, pale... GENeral:將 To bolt:發 Kejia: bot; even "to flower"... I bet 未曾 = 客 mang 吂 (not my discovery.) lots: http://www.rwfd.fudan.edu.cn/xueshu/zhuanjia/gudai.html 倘/通 Malay:bahan-bahan:ingredients:包含 Malay:jam:hour,clock:針,點 屐 CloGs, Cangjie: SHOE! POur 潑 in AWE 哦 MOp 摩,抹... MOP 抹布 防衛的衛: WAry, WAR 曲[khiok]:CROOKed,KINK,CURl... 花:Flower[FlAwer] 丼: 都感切,投物井中聲, Eng: DUMp DUNk I bet 非 is a merge of 不為. HAil (a taxicab): 呼 罰鍰/款 同源? 屎/SHIt 市/CIty 朴 pok, pak: HACKberry 足(夠): foot the bill, so related in meaning though not in sound. Maybe 足 and 腳 are 同源! dz->j/g ... also 尺 (-k) 或 hUO/Eng:OR sounds close. 鞋,靴/Eng:Shoe sounds close. 森林 SiLva 筆 bit/Eng: Pen, pin [t is stop version of consonant n] 滿 MANy 蠻(多)(but then 蠻少 not...) 埋 bury m/b 所(以):so. E.g., 所以,呢?: So (what)? 所謂 So-called 蝴蟣 客:fuki 水蛭 fluke... leech https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-ia#Suffix_21 = https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/仔#Definitions_3 ; I.e., a noun forming suffix that sounds the same in Spanish and Minnanyu . 罰 FiNe 塔 TOWer 拖 to TOW, TOW truck, 脫 is also pulling out, and 拓 sort of like TUG, TAUT, DRAW 辣 lat/'loud flavor' then back again in 喇叭 看勘堪窺闚 I bet are all related. 沙 SAnd; 鯊魚 SHArk... perhaps from English... (By the way, most English verbs that rhyme with crash seem rather violent: bash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, slash, smash, splash, thrash, trash.) Funny: SONday, MOMday (Mumday), ... (Nothing to do with Chinese though.) 查,察 CHEck 霸 BULly (Oh, I see ancient Chinese was bak...); 霸凌 to BULLY 嚇 hak / horrid 患 huan / harm 用 YOng / Use 檢 and 驗 must be 同源 though not in 王力 的 字典 太/Too, ...古月母。 模/Mold; 霉/Mold sun/日 like 瑞 r-/s-, -n/-t '對轉' 日: JOURnal 幡,帆: FAN, VANe, BANner 優, Eu: eugenics 優生學 框誆: I was framed. Age 54 vs. 27 (52 vs. 26, etc.): 他是大一'輩' / '倍', both characters fit here, so maybe related. 分手時說「掰」bye. 字很適合! 歌「頌」=song! kin, kinship/親 qin1 even if 古清紐 何 he ho ha = how, "from the same root as 'what'", = Cantonese MATye 乜口+野, 客 makgai 乜個 先 SENior 先輩 a 砲 goes "pow" 甚+位=誰? she2+wei4=shei2, shui2? 啥位。 So 啥=甚。 怎=甚 I bet. 席次 xici SEATS. But -ik vs. -it. 次 SEcondary. 格 GRid (But t vs. k... Mandarin OK) BOreal 北 I bet 載, 戴 are 同源 (carry). 油/OIl! Series 系列 xilie (coincidence) reCIPE 食譜 (coincidence, Mandarin) CYRILLIC LETTER SHA Ш (ш) looks and sounds like 山 (shan) (coincidence) 山: SIERRa; 山脈 MOuntain (mo/mai..) 抬頭:title: recent. toupee: 頭皮! (wig: close) My mom thinks "the Chinese name on that liquid medication for skin ailments: "po sum ahn" (pour some on) 保心安油 is funny. 台語 "(b)bat" 認識, I bet it is 秘(密): 唔秘伊 don't know him 孫 is like [grand]son 錄 luk is the same meaning as RECord. 宵=? French "soir" night RENT LEND LOAN (租)賃 (zu) ren/lin DRY humor 很 ZHUAI(拽) 劈腿 pi-tui / be-tray 查甫ㄟ za-BO-e 閩南/ Eng: Boy 等=待(王力), and they both have 寺 in them, and sound like 能=耐 which maybe they are related to too! 變=BENd/BENt? I bet 官、君 同源。 君=QUEeN!/king 王 WAng = French: Roi [ua:] etc. also 皇 扳=搬=撥? 佳=嘉? 閩南語 "揣 tshuē tshē/tshēr 找 揣物件、相揣" perhaps is 查。查看覓。 閩南語 "ah" must be 盒。 彼 I bet is related to English "he". Indeed in 閩南語 it is pronounced "he"! Acts like 其, and indeed sounds like 其… 立、入我猜同源,音類「深開三入緝(來/日)」,立秋即入秋…,日語立入禁止,閩南同 lip. Maybe even related to English Up, Leap! I bet English's "by" and "via" are also same origin. 衫、裳 同源? 好笨! how stupid! how sad, etc.: same sound hao/how: "HOW comfortable!":「好」舒適。 Then also 客語「安舒適」(How (wonderfully) comfortable!) the question word 安 becomes the exclamation word 安。 P.S., 安怎(樣)=安哉...? this is the same 安 as in 教育部's "按呢 án-ne 這樣、如此 按呢做、按 呢生" and "按怎 án-tsuánn àn-tsuánn/án- 怎麼、怎樣 按怎樣、按怎|講、按怎寫|nuá/án-ná". 叮 Eng:sTING (bite) dim yeung (粵) = 怎樣 well, take a Mandarin zem, so m is no problem. i/e like "政", d/zh like 都/豬. I'm sure 粵's GO (that) is really 該。 I bet 粵's 「食{口+左}飯冇?」 = 「食著飯無?」. Don't ask me why. 為何 = WHy, Cantonese: WAIho English ice maybe same root as European os "bone". The English word "left" comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lyft which means "weak" or "useless". -> 劣 麵、麥、米、糜 MAIze, corn MEAL. peninsula: pen Latin paene almost, sounds like 半 ban. Eng:HALf: Chinese 半. JACK (in a pack of playing cards): 爵 작 Cantonese: zoek3 Maybe 加、兼 are 同源。 會、慧同源? 緩、慢同源? 門 = WINdow? 蔬、素同源? I bet 柴 and 材同源! chop 砍,切 or even 插 related? 愛慕 AMOrous/AMOr related? 勞 LAbor "Skr. labh to get, seize." 納 Yoke 轭 入聲字頗可能同源! Weird, _HUH_? 奇怪,_齁_?(hou1) 髮 p-w-t like Latin root -pil-, FuR, HaiR 火 huo, fo, French feu etc. 불 Latin pure etc. 虜、奴:來泥旁紐 跟(你講)…跟…共…供…(同)…合…和 maybe all related (國、台、粵語) 共 CONtemporary, etc. 麥:MUGwort? I bet 內、裏、裡同源。 And 內/外 noi/ngoi must be related. 吟: Cantonese: jam4 ngam4, Korean: 음 UM, so English hUM! 吼 號, HOller HOwl 扁, 平 BiaN PiNg FlaT 姑娘 GuNiang GiRl 姑、舅 同源? 寮、椆 同源? 倏、速 同源? ledger: "See {Lie} to be prostrate."=列! and -ger sounds like 日! 閩南語 gô 鵝 GOose! 測 means check in English, and 閩南語讀 chhek and many meanings match! Maybe also Eng. JERK. 隙 WICKet small aperture I bet 細及小同源… goon : 惡棍 gun Maybe 郡 and 國 are 同源。 G-N G-K, and Japanese 國 KUNI is actually 郡. See also Karlgren's book... I bet 粵 yiga(now) is 而今. 蛋塔 tart ... recent... but hey! 糖 is like TaRt.. hmmm ng vs. t, too far, never mind. I bet 閩南 sui (beautiful) is actually from 美 due to some ancient Sm-. 媒體: MEDIa ... recent. 閩南 iok (to chase) I bet is 捉. RUde 魯 alas the d is hard to explain. 圓/rOUNd related? 車: CHAriot, CAr, CArt. I bet 多 is related to 大. In fact 多字之上古音即大字之今國音, and may be related to English LARge... https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ce#French ~ ci 此 腦:Nous \Nous\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. noy^s mind.] 1. Intellect; understanding; talent; - used humorously. 鼠、鼩 and Eng. SHrEW all 同源? 到 Eng: "to" ! 酸: SOUr 叵 is 不+可 and I bet the same origin as 否 搜尋 SOUXun https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/suss_out (but "from suspect") 貼: give the waiter a TiP! 暗:AMbush (pure coincidence) Singer: 歌星 backwards ("gersin"). Pure funny coincidence. 星:SIDereal, STar... scatter... 散 聲: SouNd, SoNic 薑: GiNGer 閩南語 緣投(ienˊ-tauˊ) 英俊: English: Well ENDOWed! 閩南語 淡薄: Spanish "tamPOCO" 淡薄(仔) tām-po̍h(-á) 一點點 啉淡薄、淡薄仔|意, well at least poco is 薄. Also 薄=?箔 ((thin) foil). Coco means "head" in (which?) language, like 閩南 頭殼 taukok. Hakka: hok, like Eng. HUsK. 芳 : FrAgaNt; I bet 芬、芳 are 同源。 審 : to SUM! SUMMarize, even maybe 'summary execution' 化石: FOSSIl 敷=鋪=PAve 敷 also like 膚 pavement for the body... 匍 lie flat, also see 王力 Cant. 屋企 ukkei, Greek: οἶκος (oîkos, “house”) 戶 HOUse 第=初? 第一 = 初一, especially 台語音; also English THE=第: the 31st = 第三十一! 們=同源 with actual English "men"? 我+men=我們, 他+men=他們 湳: Latin: LAM: swamp. 懶: Latin: LANgu: tired. 巨: GIant, GIgantic; 極: Latin: GIGas 倍(-增): BIg; 備(-受) VEry; Hmmm, weak connection. I bet Minnanyu's gadi (kati) (=self), is 家自/己. 柄: (pyang) Eng: HANdle 微: the WEE hours 墳 FUNeral (far fetched though.) 歡 FUN compare Ir. & Gael. fonn pleasure. Like Hakka. also perhaps 玩。 括(弧) QUOte mark! 碼 MArk (but what about the -rk?) 崩一聲: BOOM, bomb 崩出來:BORN I bet 帶、戴、載 are all 同源 (carry). 出: (chut), Eng: oUT. 出發 and go FAr... ha ha, never mind. 繩: Eng. StrING 屌 diao (吊 Karlgren "<-g"):Eng. DIcK Maybe 梭 is 閩南語 "趖 sô 蟲類爬行、 蟲咧趖、四界|動作緩慢 趖、鼎邊趖", and maybe even related to English SHUttle... BUcKtooth 暴牙 龅牙 I bet 裙 is related to 卷. Eng:PAL (buddy): Chinese:伴 送 SoNG = 塞 SəK = E.g., SHOve, (try 閩南語 meanings) 保齡瓶: bowling PIN, hmm, like PeG too. Honey 蜜 mit etc. Latin: mel; Also HoneyBEE: Mand. MI, Japanese: MITSU BITSU Eng. bee Ir. beach, Lith. bitis 列: to make a LIsT, a LINe 連 聯 Eng:Eng:line, lime, lien, link Lien \Lien\ (l[=e]n or l[imac]"[e^]n; 277), n. [F. lien band, bond, tie, fr. L. ligamen, fr. ligare to bind. Cf. {League} a union, {Leam} a string, {Leamer}, {Ligament}.] (Law) A legal claim...[1913 Webster] RoT RoTten:爛 (here I say that ㄖ,ㄌ and ㄊ,ㄣ are all in the same classes. panel 扇 shàn 'FAN' SV phiến. 煽 shān 'to FAN' SV phiến: http://stujay.com/wp-content/uploads/public/What%20Makes%20Vietnamese%20So%20Chinese.pdf What Makes Chinese So Vietnamese? http://vny2k.com/vny2k/SiniticVietnamese.htm nnhttp://han-viet.org/ http://vny2k.com/ "the C character 掉 diáo ‘to row’ (SV trạo, VS chèo, cf. 櫂 (棹 zhào VS chèo 'oar') ]," Dan says: maybe diao is cognate to English "row" itself. "鋸 jū 'cưa' (saw) " Dan says maybe cưa' is cognate to "saw" itself. The map of West Java and Banten is consistently peppered with cities beginning with ci-, as in Cipanas or Cibodas. This prefix comes from the Sundanese word cai, which means water... 溪? 馬來語 diam(-diam) = 台語 "恬恬/惦惦" ("Be quiet!"). Some of these are related character pairs, (From libchewing database, converted via https://www.jidanni.org/lang/pinyin/programs/zhuyin2hanyu then filtered with regexps) 聯絡 22094 lian2 luo4 連絡 9607 lian2 luo4 閃爍 345 shan3 shuo4 軟弱 244 ruan3 ruo4 寬闊 155 kuan1 kuo4 棺槨 6 guan1 guo3 拈掇 1 dian1 duo2 緊急 3180 jin3 ji2 信息 975 xin4 xi2 經紀 943 jing1 ji4 禁忌 457 jin4 ji4 林立 282 lin2 li4 親戚 260 qin1 qi1 鄰里 208 lin2 li3 命脈 101 ming4 mai4 欣喜 97 xin1 xi3 淋漓 75 lin2 li2 凌厲 70 ling2 li4 荊棘 64 jing1 ji2 ... --------- == 王力《同源字典》頁碼 and my notes: == 048 肥、胖 related? Same for all below. FAt, FEr(tilizer):肥(料) 084 起、413 啟 I'm sure are simply 016「微脂旁轉」! 090 眙、瞪 related to 粵:睇 I bet. 092 麥 French BLe 097 士, 師, Sir, Sri (Indian) 099 100 財、錢 同源? Then 錢 : Japanese sen, English CENt ... 102 破、剖 111 踢 legs are TICKing (spasm) kICK, ... related to "足" itself? See also 270 擊。 113 此 ci, French "ce", 台語,國語: 這 zhe..., 這:Eng. THE t<->z [Via Meow Wang], I bet 之、是、此、斯 are all related in the meaning of "this", which in fact sounds a lot like "this" too. And 係 is related to 是, and maybe even to English "is". And, I bet 之 and 的 are related just like 豬 and 都 zh- d-. 115 屣、鞋、 English SHoE 123 沽、購 132 懼 related to 嚇、赫 I bet 135 卬=儂 I bet 139 御=衙 I bet 146 土、地、TERRItory 、涂、 塗 to earth = 531 田? = 土 + 363 壤?, 壤 = 571 軟 ? 軟=嫩? e.g., 閩南 neng = 國語 nen 155 處 I bet is 台語的「厝」 157 I bet 若 is 如果的合音。 172 鋪、匍 203 凹、坳、抝、拗 203 夭、么、幼 227 口、喉 227 哮、嘯 236 揉、 English to ROll 251 棘、刺 260 側: Eng: SIde 269 隔、割、刮、 English CUT also P567 below、 Page 481 剮 270 擊: Eng KICK. See also 111 踢。 272 易=移+k according to Wiktionary. 277 惡 Cant. ok3: Eng: UGly, UG+English adverbial ending-ly. 280 坑、堀; I bet 坑 is also related to 溪, in fact in 閩南語 they are only a nasal apart, and often rivers and valleys just use the same entire name. 282 妥、託 282, 289 宅、厝 283 落、(卓入聲→)掉 289, 442 挫、錯 to grind 289 鵲、雀 291 霸=boss? (but 霸 is -t) 292 縛、 English PAcK…; 包裹 PACKAge, BAGGAge 293 晚、慢 you're late, slow 293 沃、渥 to wet. even sounds like English to WAter which even sounds like French Eau. just like 挖 is waat in 廣東話 vs. oh in 閩南. 306 鞠、躬 325 天 like Czech "DEN", Eng. {Per DIEM}, DAY 326 廳、堂 327 停、定 332 省、剩 358 娘、郎、儂 370 客家「囥」 to hide, maybe related to 藏 371 方、法 同源? And Cantonese 法 faat, like Eng. fate "[Latin: fatum a prophetic declaration, oracle, what is ordained by the gods, destiny, fate, fr. fari to speak: cf. OF. fat. See {Fame}, {Fable}, {Ban}, and cf. 1st {Fay}, {Fairy}.]" 375 公、犅 mal 383 Maybe 鹿 luk is related to English ELK, ROe, bUCK, roebuck. 383 麓、橐 395, 398 歸、回 401 催、推 both "to push" 402 追、隨 同源? 407 I bet 非 = 不+為 compressed into one word (not is, isn't)! Maybe also 不+對。 423 豬、豕 ZHu SHi SwIne, sus(latin), Sow, suet... 424 視 [Cant., S. Min] si: Eng. see 425 齊、幾 多少 425 細...些 427 比_賽: (-t) to _pit_ against. 431 可、許 431 加、兼, also P. 623 432 蓋 I bet is related to 盍 (-ap) like to CUP ones hands over ones ears. And "倒 khap" when the "boa bue (poa pue) fortunetelling shells fall down in the temple, and then to COVer of "崁 khàm 遮蓋、暗藏 崁蓋、暗崁". And all this is related to 甲: Eng. CAP (hat, CoVering). CAPital, first 甲乙… 439 設 S. Min. set [siat]: Eng. set [up]; SeTTing: 設定! 455 掘、挖... 119 窪、挖 456 曰、說: Maybe 曰 yut 說 soat are 同源, maybe even related to English "say", you never know. Like 說服 (shui4), and 閩南 sue/se... And 曰 matches UTTer! 456 云、言 458 立、入 like Japanese 立入 458 納、拿! 460 遂、隨 461 曰、閱 470 尼 must be the real Cantonese 呢(度、個) 471 邇 must be 客家 這 just like 兒 is also 'lia'. In fact all sounds and means like Eng. "here"! 474 節、間 just like 客家 時節、 時間 476, 525 閉、密、悶 482 甲、莢 482 缺、匱 487 會、愛 will 488 帶 (alas, ends in -t, so maybe not related to 貼=English TAPe) 493 製、致 create/cause 致災 製災 494 熱、日;日、月 495 刷、擦 500 敗、壞、衰、歹 Minnan PhaiN 敗古音 "beat", 正好意亦 beat(en) (lost the game)! 王力:敗敝同源。 I bet 不+利=敝(b+li=bi).歹 pháinn phái 壞 which by the way are all -ai! Hmmm. even sounds like "(to) bully". 501 筏、rAFT 501 末, MORTality, end of life 505 Maybe 僅仔 ganna is origin of 閩南語 'only'? 511 閾、252 域 also maybe to 塊, and then to 區. 514 屯 tun2: Eng. town, WahingTON 515 振、軫 517 漘 客家用至今 523 別:閩南 [piat] 「煏 piak 炸、爆、裂 煏猪油、煏豆|仔、煏開」, English "pit" (crack, furrow), 癟(凹下),必「分極也」。 Also 分 must be related to 半。 531 填、闐… 534 縝(密) 545 彎、斡:元月對轉。 Hey maybe even 轉 itself is connected. 546 干、犯…反 581; 若干=若個(+n)? 548 枯萎的萎: WIther, WEAR out, WEARy, WEAther beaten 551 管、權 554 捲、564 轉 561 院、苑、園 563 丹、彈 pill/bullet 566 傳、穿、串、篡、鑽 567 截、切 maybe English cUT too 568 暖、溫 570 單、專、全 578、純 579 鮮、新 581 反、還、犯 582 盤、碗 584 緩、慢 588 吸、Enlish to SIP, SlurP, GUlp, laP, 攝。 589 合 doesn't the action of saying "hap" imitate its meaning when ones lips shut? See also my 432 above, "COVer". 592 叠、貼 593 汁、Eng. SaP → (fruit) JaM 593 溼 Damp (s/t), sop(ping wet), seep (→滲), 閩南 (澹 tâm) Dam dam 濕濕: English damp 593 什、雜 594 甚、什麼: SOMe, 有什麼事? Is there SOMe problem? 596 襲、Eng. to sap, zap 597 夾、合 I bet; 協 Help, see above; 脅/脇 Eng. hip(s), also related to 劫 I bet. 598 匣、盒 600 踏 sTeP, TriP, sTamP, TamP, sTomP, JumP, LeaP, hoP, 站 JaM, CRaM, 跌, 躐? 600 插、 搭 via 客家 "pay attention" 601 I bet 貼, 接 are 同源, both are 咸入韻 group 604 I bet 紺 and 柑 are related: the color orange and the fruit, an orange. See also P. 623. 607 戡 zhěn to StaB, 針 607 墊 → 枕 → 寢 P. 617. 609 念 : 戀 ? 609 恁: 粵 "lam" think 609 農、男 nəm: Eng: men 民, 儂; maybe also related to French homme. hmmm, FE+male=?非+男 612 霖 : 淹 613 深、沈 STeep, Deep 615 沾 → 黏 616 尖 → 針(箴) 621 (廣)泛 → 凡, also English Pan-: panorama, pantheism... 622 掩 → 按 623 甘 willing to : 敢 dare to. 624 歉、欠 629 斬 SLaM, STaMp, STaB --------- Could check if in 王力 or not: 缺(乏) = 匱(乏) 古月、物母: -t. 乾 qian2 = 天 ? Hmmm, k-t a little too far away though. 花,卉同源? in fact sound close in Minnanyu. 帝=THEology, aTHEism cull=?kill=扣(keu Hakka) call=呼(閩南:ko) 然=then?! 畢(業)=?斃(命) (to end) 能=靈, even 同音 in some "dialects". 台=TrAY! (platter, shelf) 殆=to DIE (well, almost); 刣 thâi = make it DIE 河畔/河旁/河邊, 傍晚, 肩膀, 邊, 同源? Eng: (river) BANk; 邊(境)BOUNdary 累: LAzy; 懶: LANguid, LAg Reign: 任內 !? 上 Cantonese SEUng is like English Sur- A prefix signifying over, above, beyond, upon. 穴 kTang: *huet surely is simply English "hut" (COTtage) 閩南 "喙 tshuì" is probably related to 嘴, "tshuì pi" is probably related to English BEAk, and 鼻. 社=舍? 營=益? (Zhengzhang): /*ɢʷeŋ/ vs. /*qleɡ/ 烏=_O_paque 黑=blACK=墨=BLaCK=?LACQUer=lac=shellac, MeLanin [Gr. me`las, me`lanos, black.] 暗=陰 同源? 濬=圳 同源? 去 huei Cantonese = fui Portuguese 核 (𣝗) = Eng. HEarT 墨 Tang: mək Latin: MACula 旮旯=角落 I bet. 泡沫 BuBBLe, FOaM, bulb, blob, a boil 信(號) SIGNal, Spanish: SEÑal. 亦、即 同源? But (Zhengzhang): /*laːɡ/ vs. /*ʔsɯɡ/ 屋=窩=English HOLe? Tinnitus = 聽itis! Ha ha. Aussie: 屙屎 ha ha 爵=DUKe?! 墩=sand DUNe?! 珠(寶)=JEWel. 逐 dak = 各 gak maybe?! KEEN, CAN:肯 !; 堪Kan1: Eng: can, (Chinese is kam however); 可 COUld! 神、聖、師 like SAINt, sir, sire 客車 COaCh! (Mandarin: ke=CO che=CH) Fun coincidence: script letter "z" (and з U+0437 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE), when joined to the next letter, look and sound like 草書 "子"... ʓ U+0293 LATIN SMALL LETTER EZH WITH CURL. Hakka "kia": CArry 留些 LEAve SOme... sounds even closer if said when half awake! :-) baby 寶貝 (yeah, contemporary) loss 遺失 (l/y distant connection, like Korean 李 becomes Yi) 朧 to LOOm: 朦朧地出現 就是 JUSt (控)訴 SUit! 題目 THEME! I bet 面, 臉 are related, even if in Proto-Sino-Tibetan they are *s-mjal vs. *s-gram. I bet Taiwanese 後壁 and Mandarin 後邊 are related, via -k/-n(g), as they mean the same thing. 領導 LEaDEr https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/科 : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-aceae#Latin (K sound, not later S) 石頭 STOne 刻 QUARTer (k/t...) 著迷 CHARMIng 卡 clot ClO(+T in some "dialects") 哭 Cry, Call... (sorry about -k not matching.) 豐沛 / pongpai 澎湃 etc.: BUMPER crop 使壞 台語: sipai: SPIte. (Somebody else insisted I add this, though it seems rather far fetched, even for me.) Same as above with: 沙龍 salon sunroom (竹)篾 makes a MAT, 片 p/m..n/t 菌 GerMs (Latin [ɡ] or English /d͡ʒ/ both, to different dates of Chinese) 散佈 SPread 凸、突 proTrUDe, inTrUDe Proto-Indo-European/trewd- ... 射 SHOOt SHOt 闖=創=撞? 倒:DOWn, 倒數 countDOWn ! The JETLINk company was right on target with their match to 捷連。 In fact the first is -t in some dialects, not only -p. 咳 COUGH /*kʰˤək-s/ vs. "Proto-West Germanic *kuh- ultimately of onomatopoeic origin." 絲瓜 SQUAsh (pure coincidence); 瓜 sQUAsh 度,渡,途,徒 all sound similar and have to do with paths... 嚥 to swallow; 燕 a swallow! Pure English groups I should check: bright / light clubs / cloves / clover owl / howl by / via Cold in English is spelled like hot (chaud) in French. Ha ha. 缽 Vietnamese: bát, Hakka bat、鉢 (Sanskrit paatra), English: POT(s and pans.), BOwl. Hmm, all like Mandarin bo. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Chinese https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Chinese_phonology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostratic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasiatic_languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Austronesian_languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Human_language https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/漢字同源詞 #讀聲相同或相近 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_cognate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phono-semantic_matching https://laowaichinese.net/cognate-coincidences.htm https://www.reddit.com/r/Chinese/comments/19muqi/can_you_think_of_any_cognates_between_mandarin/ https://eastasiastudent.net/china/mandarin/english-coincidences/ 教育部|臺灣閩南語推薦用字 台語漢字正解 ISBN 9789867860071 王華南 不錯。 只是如 p t k / b d g, 僅改一個 (t/d), 不如不改, 亦不如全三改。 # Local Variables: # fill-column: 222 # End: