週圍的山 Surrounding mountains

相片下數字為方位角, 例如 155 至 169 度。 Numbers below the photograph are the azimuth, from 155 to 169 degrees.

  1. [Photo: view towards azimuth 140 to 170 degrees / 往 140 至 170 度方位角所能見的山]

  2. [Image: GIS version of last.]

  3. [Photo: 往 155 至 169 度方位角視野 / View towards azimuth 155 to 169 degrees]
  1. 1999/06/19 Photo: 往 140 至 170 度方位角 towards azimuth 140 to 170 degrees. 箭指馬博拉斯山。 Arrow points to Mabolasi Shan.

  2. GRASS GIS digital elevation model 分析, 顏色依距離 analysis, color varies with distance. 本視野分析 My viewshed analysis. KMZ 框像、串塔 photo framing and tower sighting.

  3. 2019/06/09 Photo: 往 155 至 169 度方位角 towards azimuth 155 to 169 degrees [source], 離上圖 19.97 years = 239.68 months = 7295.00 days later [source]

Makefile etc. and comments、 山單。 再往上, 845m 高地分析 Hill Analysis above me.

[Photo: 往 155 至 205 度方位角視野 / View towards azimuth 155 to 205 degrees]

FIXme: Azimuth bar numbers rough, need to be refined.

2001/03/24 Photo: 往南由 155 至 205 度方位角 由燥坑往南跨越橫貫公路(台 8 線,12 至 14 km 段)及大甲溪看天冷對面新社區福興里。 頭櫃(拒)山看得見,五公里遠,車燈跡:左下者:往左 是往白毛台,左上者:台 21 線:往是往埔里。 Looking south, from azimuth 155 to 205, across the valley of Dajia Xi (river). The mountains are 5 km. away and all belong to Fuxing Village, Xinshe District, Taichung City.

快門開了整個晚上, 最亮的星為老人星, 快門一開時其位置如下表 Of the several star tracks visible, the brightest is that of Canopus. Astronomy programs confirm it starts at azimuth 191 deg., elevation 12 deg., before rotating left off the edge of this all night exposure:

Sky List: 3/24/2001 19:24:00 UTC+8
Name    Cns     Dec        Az        Alt    VMag Type
Canopus Car -52:41:45.0 190:56:35  11:37:35 -0.7 Star

M-750 航路經我西北方 M-750 air route passes northwest of me.

我也製周遭環境累積 I also made a 圖 map (KMZ) of items present and past in my surrounding environment. 原始碼 Source code.

台中路指山 Taichung roads pointing to mountains

台中火車站視野 View from Taichung Train Station

台中北區視野 View from Taichung North District 台中市北區錦新街

歷史 History

1786 年林爽文事件 行軍路線經頭櫃山南邊… 最終) : 東勢萬善祠大眾爺廟萬人塚。

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson

Last modified: 2021-11-19 06:49:26 +0800